
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Spotify Introduces Apps to Point Listeners to Music

Spotify Introduces Apps to Point Listeners to MusicSpotify Introduces Apps to Point Listeners to Music Charles Eshelman/Getty Images for SpotifyJann Wenner of Rolling Stone spoke Wednesday at a news conference announcing that the music-streaming service Spotify would be introducing apps. In the jargon of digital music , the streaming ... Spotify Introduces Apps to Point Listeners to Music

Report: Strippers pose as legal aides at detention center

Report: Strippers pose as legal aides at detention center Miami New Times says lawyers hired by accused drug kingpins can sign a form and designate anyone -- including strippers -- as a legal assistant. "They take off their tops and let the guys touch them," veteran defense ... Report: Strippers pose as legal aides at detention center

Ya se les hizo costumbre

Ya se les hizo costumbreYa se les hizo costumbre Se repite la historia de hace 10 días, cuando el Liverpool le ganó aChelsea 2-1 en Stamford Bridge en la Liga Premier inglesa. AFP REINO UNIDO (30/NOV/2011).- El Liverpool no se cansa de confirmar que le tiene tomada la medida al Chelsea en su propia ... Ya se les hizo costumbre

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

유로존 재무장관, 구제기금 증액 합의

유로존 재무장관, 구제기금 증액 합의유로존 재무장관, 구제기금 증액 합의 유로존 17개국 재무장관들은 브뤼셀에서 회의를 갖고 채무 위기 확산을 막는 방화벽 구실을 할 유럽재정안정기금을 확충하기로 했습니다. 장관들은 또 공공과 민간 투자자들이 유럽재정안정기금에 투자할 수 있도록 공동투자기금을 만들고, 이를 활용해서 유로존 국 ... 유로존 재무장관, 구제기금 증액 합의

Iranian Protesters Storm British Diplomatic Compounds in Tehran

Iranian Protesters Storm British Diplomatic Compounds in Tehran November 29, 2011 Iranian Protesters Storm British Diplomatic Compounds in Tehran VOA News Iranian protesters have stormed two British diplomatic compounds in Tehran in response to Britain's new economic sanctions against Iran. ... Iranian Protesters Storm British Diplomatic Compounds in Tehran

Monday, November 28, 2011

F1. Raikkonen będzie jeździł w Lotusie w 2012

F1. Raikkonen będzie jeździł w Lotusie w 2012 Zespół Lotus-Renault poinformował oficjalnie, że jego kierowcą w przyszłym sezonie będzie były mistrz świata Kimi Raikkonen. 32-letni Fin, który przez ostatnie dwa lata jeździł w rajdach samochodowych oraz w amerykańskiej serii Nascar, ... F1. Raikkonen będzie jeździł w Lotusie w 2012

政治団体収入が過去最低 10年道内 自民、下野で3割減

政治団体収入が過去最低 10年道内 自民、下野で3割減 道選挙管理委員会は29日の道公報で、2010年の道内政治団体の収支報告書を公表する。政党支部や政治家の後援会など3475団体の収入総額(前年繰越金を除く)は前年比6・2%減の82億3320万円。支出も同7・5%減の80億4676万円で、いずれも記録が ... 政治団体収入が過去最低 10年道内 自民、下野で3割減

الرئيس الإماراتي يعفو عن 5 ناشطين أدينوا بالإساءة لشخصه

الرئيس الإماراتي يعفو عن 5 ناشطين أدينوا بالإساءة لشخصهالرئيس الإماراتي يعفو عن 5 ناشطين أدينوا بالإساءة لشخصه دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة (CNN)-- قرر الشيخ خليفة بن زايد آل نهيان، رئيس دولة الإمارات، العفو عن خمسة من الناشطين السياسيين بعد يوم من صدور حكم بإدانتهم بتهمة "الإساءة" إلى شخصه و"زعزعة" النظام، في قضية أثارت الكثير من الاهتمام الخليجي والدولي. ... الرئيس الإماراتي يعفو عن 5 ناشطين أدينوا بالإساءة لشخصه

Sunday, November 27, 2011

A look at Cyber Monday deals

A look at Cyber Monday dealsA look at Cyber Monday deals OK, now that we've gotten past Black Friday's doorbuster deals, now on to the online shopping blitz of Cyber Monday. Online retail giant said Cyber Monday, the first Monday after Thanksgiving, was its peak day last year. ... A look at Cyber Monday deals

债市喜迎“暖冬” 中银债市通年化收益率再创新高

债市喜迎 与大部分债券型基金仍踌躇业绩如何翻红不同,一批投资于债券市场的银行理财产品脱颖而出。于去年年中成立的"中银债市通",一度以不断刷新的好业绩广受市场关注,而截至11月24日其累计净值已达1.1010元,创下年化收益 ... 债市喜迎"暖冬" 中银债市通年化收益率再创新高

受巨大利益驱使搞潜规则 银行变相逼客户用银行卡

受巨大利益驱使搞潜规则 银行变相逼客户用银行卡 近日,有很多市民反映在银行办卡容易,而办存折很难的现象。记者走访多家银行发现,部分银行甚至出现"存折荒",变相的强制客户使用银行卡似乎成为银行潜规则。银行为什么这么钟情于开卡不开折?其背后又隐藏哪些利益关 ... 受巨大利益驱使搞潜规则 银行变相逼客户用银行卡

Insta Peña Nieto a respetar leyes y decisiones de la ciudadanía

Insta Peña Nieto a respetar leyes y decisiones de la ciudadaníaInsta Peña Nieto a respetar leyes y decisiones de la ciudadanía CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (27/NOV/2011).- Al suscribir tres compromisos con el priismo para alcanzar la victoria en 2012, Enrique Peña Nieto estableció que se deben respetar las instituciones, la ley y sobre todo la decisión de la ciudadanía, para no poner en ... Insta Peña Nieto a respetar leyes y decisiones de la ciudadanía

Taliban members paid $150 a month to stop fighting

Taliban members paid $150 a month to stop fighting Taliban fighters stand near their weapons after after leaving the insurgency to join the government in Herat, western Afghanistan. Picture: AFP Source: AFP MEMBERS of the Taliban are being paid around $150 a month to stop fighting as part of a ... Taliban members paid $150 a month to stop fighting

Αίγυπτος: Νέα διαδήλωση μια ημέρα πριν τις εκλογές

Αίγυπτος: Νέα διαδήλωση μια ημέρα πριν τις εκλογές Χιλιάδες Αιγύπτιοι διαδηλωτές συγκεντρώνονται εκ νέου την Κυριακή στην πλατεία Ταχρίρ του Καΐρου, κατά του στρατιωτικού καθεστώτος και υπέρ του σχηματισμού πολιτικής κυβέρνησης εθνικής σωτηρίας, μια ημέρα πριν από την έναρξη των πρώτων εκλογών από την ... Αίγυπτος: Νέα διαδήλωση μια ημέρα πριν τις εκλογές

Jessica Bueno, tras perder el hijo que esperaba: «Las cosas pasan por algo»

Jessica Bueno, tras perder el hijo que esperaba: «Las cosas pasan por algo»Jessica Bueno, tras perder el hijo que esperaba: «Las cosas pasan por algo» La perdida de su bebé esta semana ha sido un golpe muy duro para toda la familia Rivera-Bueno, pero la sevillana de 21 años es optimista y agradecida. Las redes sociales han sido el soporte de sus primeras declaraciones: "Las cosas pasan por algo". ... Jessica Bueno, tras perder el hijo que esperaba: «Las cosas pasan por algo»

Pippa's perfect party planning book

Pippa's perfect party planning book Party girl: Pippa Middleton (right), seen here at London Fashion Week with Rosario Dawson and Peaches Geldof, is set to write a book about party planning. Picture: AP Source: AP PIPPA Middleton is turning her attention to writing, signing a deal to pen ... Pippa's perfect party planning book

Britney Spears loves her kitchen

Britney Spears loves her kitchen The 29-year-old singer – who has sons Sean Preston, six, and Jayden James, five, with ex-husband Kevin Federline – has a "very traditional" home and says she spends most times in the room where meals are prepared. She said: "My house is very ... Britney Spears loves her kitchen

Saturday, November 26, 2011

В Киеве тысячи украинцев почтили память жертв Голодомора

В Киеве тысячи украинцев почтили память жертв Голодомора Вчера по центру Киева от станции метро "Арсенальная" до Национального мемориала жертв Голодомора прошли две тысячи киевлян - чтобы почтить память детей, погибших во время голода 1932 - 33 годов. В руках участники марша держали свечи с траурными лентами ... В Киеве тысячи украинцев почтили память жертв Голодомора

“锁定技”统包“立委”候选人 打网战提升点击率(图)

选战越来越火热,网络成为兵家必争之地,两党候选人的网页是另类宣传利器。 中国时报图 中新网11月27日电 据台湾《中国时报》报道,台湾网络虽成近年选举主流战场,但一来价格不斐,绩效也难评估。大部分"立委"对网战态度 ... "锁定技"统包"立委"候选人 打网战提升点击率(图)

Alleged strike in Pakistan ratchets up tensions with US

Alleged strike in Pakistan ratchets up tensions with USAlleged strike in Pakistan ratchets up tensions with US A NATO attack is said to have killed 24 Pakistani soldiers near the Afghan border. In response, Islamabad shuts down crucial border crossings. Trucks are parked along a road, including many carrying supplies to NATO forces in Afghanistan, ... Alleged strike in Pakistan ratchets up tensions with US

Fogo nas bancadas do estádio da Luz após jogo com Sporting

Fogo nas bancadas do estádio da Luz após jogo com Sporting Um incêndio deflagrou nas bancadas do estádio da Luz, em Lisboa, após o jogo Benfica-Sporting, disse à agência Lusa uma fonte dos Sapadores Bombeiros. As chamas localizam-se no topo da bancada norte do estádio e uma nuvem de fumo é visível do exterior. ... Fogo nas bancadas do estádio da Luz após jogo com Sporting

Selectors keep Harbhajan in the cold

Selectors keep Harbhajan in the cold Once spinners Pragyan Ojha and R Ashwin made most of their opportunities in the Test series against the West Indies, the door for a flight to Australia was shut on Harbhajan Singh. And it was confirmed on Saturday that the off-spinner, India's leading ... Selectors keep Harbhajan in the cold

Maioria e PS a um passo de acordo para aliviar pensões mais baixas

Maioria e PS a um passo de acordo para aliviar pensões mais baixas O primeiro-ministro admitiu neste sábado, pela primeira vez, aceitar "alguma modulação" na aplicação das medidas de austeridade "com impacto social mais pesado". Um sinal de que a maioria PSD/CDS-PP eo PS estão a um passo do entendimento em torno de ... Maioria e PS a um passo de acordo para aliviar pensões mais baixas

Bravo will now be target of rival teams: Lara

Bravo will now be target of rival teams: Lara PTI New Delhi: Batting great Brian Lara has said that talented Darren Bravo will have to play with more maturity from now since he will be the main target of rival teams due to his sheer batting talent. Bravo, whose style of batting is being compared ... Bravo will now be target of rival teams: Lara

武汉5-3北工大王天伊戴帽 李欣胡杰百步穿杨

武汉5-3北工大王天伊戴帽 李欣胡杰百步穿杨 11月26日,五甲联赛第七轮第二场的比赛再次打响。湖大地龙继续坐镇主场迎接客队北京工业大学的挑战。在昨天双方第一场的比赛中,湖大地龙队在最后时刻逆转北京,上演大翻盘,也使双方第二轮的比赛更具看点! 比赛于15 ... 武汉5-3北工大王天伊戴帽 李欣胡杰百步穿杨

Friday, November 25, 2011


文化部:把学习十七届六中全会精神活动引向深入 新华社北京11月26日电(记者 璩静)"文化部高度重视对党的十七届六中全会精神的学习传达工作,把学习全会精神作为当前和今后一个时期的中心工作和首要政治任务,推动整个文化系统掀起了学习热潮。下一阶段,文化部将采 ... 文化部:把学习十七届六中全会精神活动引向深入

Pakistan: Death toll from NATO attack up to 25

Pakistan: Death toll from NATO attack up to 25 AP KHAR, Pakistan -- Pakistan state TV says the death toll from an alleged NATO helicopter attack on a Pakistani army checkpoint near the Afghan border has risen to 25 soldiers. The Pakistan military has blamed NATO helicopters for ... Pakistan: Death toll from NATO attack up to 25

Europa greift nach dem Geld der Zentralbank

Europa greift nach dem Geld der Zentralbank S&P stuft Belgiens Bonität ab. Zinsen für zweijährige italienische Anleihen steigen auf knapp acht Prozent Die Bundeskanzlerin steht zunehmend allein da - zumindest was ihren Kampf gegen eine Lösung der Euro-Krise mit Hilfe der Europäischen Zentralbank ... Europa greift nach dem Geld der Zentralbank

Thursday, November 24, 2011

横綱白鵬が21度目の優勝 千秋楽待たず決める

横綱白鵬が21度目の優勝 千秋楽待たず決める 大相撲九州場所13日目は25日、福岡市博多区の福岡国際センターで行われ、東横綱白鵬(26)=本名ムンフバト・ダバジャルガル、モンゴル出身、宮城野部屋=が大関琴欧洲を下手投げで下して初日から13連勝とし、千秋楽を待たずに2場所連続21度目の優勝を決めた。 ... 横綱白鵬が21度目の優勝 千秋楽待たず決める

RCMP to keep using flash-bang device

RCMP to keep using flash-bang device By Stephane Massinon, Calgary Herald November 25, 2011 3:19 AM RCMP say they will continue to use a distraction device that blew a large hole in a man who had barricaded himself in a Banff washroom in 2008. A fatality inquiry into the suicide of Kevin ... RCMP to keep using flash-bang device

Militärrat ernennt neuen Ministerpräsidenten

Militärrat ernennt neuen Ministerpräsidenten Er diente schon unter Mubarak: Der frühere Regierungschef Kamal al-Gansuri soll Ägypten nun erneut als Ministerpräsident durch unruhige Zeiten führen - die Protestierenden dürfte das kaum beruhigen: Für Freitag sind neue große Proteste in Kairo ... Militärrat ernennt neuen Ministerpräsidenten

Pantaloon Climbs in Mumbai as India Approves Overseas Stakes in Retailers

Pantaloon Climbs in Mumbai as India Approves Overseas Stakes in Retailers Pantaloon Retail India Ltd. (PF) climbed the most in 2 1/2 years in Mumbai trading, leading a surge in shares of Indian retailers, after the nation's cabinet yesterday approved easing of ownership rules ... Pantaloon Climbs in Mumbai as India Approves Overseas Stakes in Retailers


考古发现人类4.2万年前即能捕获深海鱼 新华网华盛顿11月24日电(任海军)澳大利亚研究人员24日公布的考古发现显示,人类早在4.2万年前就是出色的渔民,他们当时就能捕获金枪鱼、梭鱼以及鲨鱼等深海鱼类。 此前的考古证据显示,鱼类大约在190万年前出现在人类 ... 考古发现人类4.2万年前即能捕获深海鱼


工信部预计今年GDP增速或达9.2% 在昨天举行的工业经济运行秋季报告会上,工信部运行监测协调局副局长黄利斌表示,今年全年国内生产总值(GDP)或有9.2%的增长。这个数字比去年我国GDP增速10.4%有所放缓。 黄利斌指出,今年前三季度GDP增长了9.4%,工业 ... 工信部预计今年GDP增速或达9.2%


开发商拿地 继11月11日,丰台区郭公庄车辆段项目四期F2公建混合住宅用地在出让中取消保障房配建后,11月23日,北京市土地整理储备中心发出通告,调低了之前挂牌的两地块起始价格。其中后沙峪镇土地从原始挂牌价52500万元下调至 ... 开发商拿地"手软"北京两块土地降价出售

Detectan leucémia a una estrella televisiva tras comer verdura de Fukushima

Detectan leucémia a una estrella televisiva tras comer verdura de Fukushima El quería apoyar a los agricultores japoneses y devolver a la población la confianza en sus productos, pero ese detalle puede acabar costándole la vida. A Otsuka Norikazu, famoso presentador de la televisión japonesa, se le ha detectado leucémia ... Detectan leucémia a una estrella televisiva tras comer verdura de Fukushima

Condenan a miembros de FARC por ataque con carro-bomba en Cali

Condenan a miembros de FARC por ataque con carro-bomba en Cali Un juez colombiano encontró culpables a tres guerrilleros de las FARC de haber perpetrado en febrero de 2009 un atentado en el occidente del país que dejó dos muertos y 30 heridos, informó el jueves la Fiscalía General. La decisión, precisó el ente ... Condenan a miembros de FARC por ataque con carro-bomba en Cali

El Consejo de Juventud lamenta que el Ayuntamiento "mate" al movimiento ...

El Consejo de Juventud lamenta que el Ayuntamiento "mate" al movimiento ... El Consejo de Juventud de Valencia ha lamentado este jueves que el Ayuntamiento y la alcaldesa Rita Barberá "mate" al movimiento juvenil tras eliminar las ayudas que mantenía desde hace 30 años, según ha informado la entidad cívica en un comunicado. ... El Consejo de Juventud lamenta que el Ayuntamiento "mate" al movimiento ...

Houses of God turn to field clinics in Tahrir's ongoing revolution

Houses of God turn to field clinics in Tahrir's ongoing revolutionHouses of God turn to field clinics in Tahrir's ongoing revolution The blaring sound of an ambulance siren alerts the triage station of it is approach. Doctors, exhausted from treating hundreds throughout the night, look at each other in shock. "Have they started attacking the people again?" one of the doctors asks. ... Houses of God turn to field clinics in Tahrir's ongoing revolution

മാവോയിസ്റ്റ് നേതാവ് കിഷന്ജിയെ വധിച്ചു

മാവോയിസ്റ്റ് നേതാവ് കിഷന്ജിയെ വധിച്ചു ജംബോനി(ബംഗാള്): മാവോവാദി നേതാവ് കിഷന്ജി (58) കൊല്ലപ്പെട്ടതായി ആഭ്യന്തര സെക്രട്ടറി ആര്.കെ സിങ് അറിയിച്ചു. പശ്ചിമബംഗാളിലെ പശ്ചിമ ... മാവോയിസ്റ്റ് നേതാവ് കിഷന്ജിയെ വധിച്ചു

Don't blame Villas-Boas for form slump - Chelsea keeper

Don't blame Villas-Boas for form slump - Chelsea keeper LONDON (Reuters) - Chelsea goalkeeper Petr Cech said the players, not under-fire young manager Andre Villas-Boas, must shoulder the blame for the team's dramatic form slump. The London club lost for the third time in five games on Wednesday, ... Don't blame Villas-Boas for form slump - Chelsea keeper

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